Sunday, 13 January 2013


So I've joined something called #ETMOOC - Educational Technology & Media - Massive Open Online Course. I've heard the term "MOOC" on Twitter before, but I really didn't have a clue what it really meant. Now I know, it's just an Massive Open Online Course. What does that really mean? I don't know yet - but I'm going to learn in the next few months. :)

When I started hearing about #ETMOOC floating around on Twitter I thought I'd check it out. It looks like I'll be hanging around with hundreds of educators around the world. Ranging from Elementary teachers to University Professors, Administrators, Educator Specialists and just about everything in between. Do I feel like a little fish in a HUGE pond - you bet!!! I'm feeling more like a minnow or something smaller than that.

BUT, I'm learning that sometimes I need to 'jump in with both feet' and just take a risk. So, here I am. Attempting something brand new, something out of my comfort zone, something HUGE, but something that will make me become a better teacher and learner - so that is why I'm taking the plunge and joining in.

My blog will be used to document my learning, as others attending ETMOOC are doing as well. It's going to be an exciting process. Here's to my first MOOC! If you haven't joined yet, join in (Check out #etmooc on Twitter). If you have, I'm looking forward to learning with you.

       ~ Jenni